ALS Limited views its responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors and visitors as essential to its long-term success. We are committed to ensuring that all facilities satisfy local legal requirements and a corporate HSE Foundation Standard which is applied to all sites worldwide. ALS Limited strives for continual improvement of its health and safety performance with the goal of eliminating work-related injury and illness by:
- Complying with the corporate HSE Foundation Standard;
- Developing and reviewing measurable objectives and targets that promote continuous improvement of our health and safety performance;
- Ensuring compliance with legislative and contemporary industry standards;
- Reporting, investigating, discussing and learning from all HSE incidents;
- Providing all new employees and contractors with a comprehensive induction and ongoing training program;
- Effectively consulting and communicating with our employees and contractors to obtain an agreed approach to the control of workplace hazard and prevention of unsafe practices;
- Monitoring and evaluating our health and safety program by conducting regular audits and inspections; and
- Periodically reviewing our policies and procedures to maintain their relevance.
Local safety programs, aligned with the HSE Foundation Standard, are supported by our core value ‘Safety as a Priority’