


ALS is committed to sustainable activities and recognizes the need to plan, manage and review those aspects of the business that may have an impact on our people, property, the environment or the communities in which we operate.


ALS Limited views its responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors and visitors as essential to its long-term success.

We are committed to ensuring that all facilities satisfy local legal requirements and a corporate HSE Foundation Standard which is applied to all sites worldwide

ALS Limited strives for continual improvement of its health safety and environmental performance with the goal of eliminating work-related injury and illness by:

  • Complying with the corporate HSE foundation standards;
  • Developing and reviewing measurable objectives and targets that promote continuous improvement of our health and safety performance;
  • Ensuring compliance with legislative and other requirements and current industry standards;
  • Reporting, investigating and discussing all HSE incidents;
  • Providing all new employees and contractors with a comprehensive induction and ongoing training program;
  • Effectively consulting and communicating with our employees and contractors to obtain an agreed approach to the control of workplace hazard and prevention of unsafe practices;
  • Monitoring and evaluating our health and safety program by conducting regular audits and inspections; and
  • Periodically reviewing our policies and procedures to maintain their relevance.

The Safety Program, including the corporate HSE Foundation Standard, is supported by a core value ‘Safety as a Priority’. To assess the safety performance across our businesses ALS has implemented a Positive Performance Indicator (PPI) Scorecard. The scorecard measures four key areas:

Leadership –
the ability to influence, engage and inspire fellow employees through active participation and involvement.

Program compliance –
follow through of corrective actions resulting from incident and non-compliance events.

Safety performance –
monitoring incidents that have the potential to cause the most harm to our workers, such as high potential incidents and significant lost time injuries.

These are lead indicators of our safety system and managers are measured and held accountable on the implementation of these positive measures.


ALS has an internal Sustainability intranet site, where relevant information on environmental management programs are monitored and reported on by our employees.

A key component of the intranet site is the sustainability risk register where all ALS facilities globally have completed an assessment to identify those sites that require ongoing tracking of key metrics including:

  • Energy
  • Waste
  • Water, and
  • Gravimetric dust

The Sustainability Intranet page also links our employees to waste registers, audit tools, suggestion/ initiatives boxes and key sustainability announcements.

The ALS HSE Foundation Standard, the basis for our environmental management system, and our Sustainability Intranet site allows us to track key indicators at global level. Efficiencies and lessons learnt in one ALS site location are shared and welcomed by other ALS businesses across the globe resulting in many initiatives being adopted.


ALS promotes the adoption and adherence to a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Standard throughout our businesses

Regardless of where an ALS business operates around the world, it must comply with the principles outlined in the CSR standard, including:

Human Right –
ALS respects human rights consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and work to ensure we are not knowingly complicit in human rights abuses committed by others doing work for or on behalf of ALS.

Labor Practices –
ALS acknowledges international labor practice principles in employment conditions to ensure all working arrangements are fair and equitable.

Cultural Heritage –
ALS is conscious of the need to conserve cultural heritage of local communities and the indigenous and native peoples.

Anti-Bribery and corruption –
ALS Limited is committed to delivering value to our shareholders while maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct. We are committed to operating a strict zero tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption in all forms, whether directly or through third parties.

Ethical and sustainable supply chain –
ALS will work to ensure our primary suppliers operate in a manner which is consistent with CSR principles.


ALS believes strongly in being a positive influence in the community and encourages all its employees across the globe to contribute to their local communities. Our response to community needs is continually demonstrated by fund raising and volunteering for a wide spectrum of charities and causes, including appeals for natural disasters, neighborhood clean-up campaigns, children’s charities, community health services, cancer research and others.